Poodle’s Runners#

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Builtin Runner Names#

Command Line Runner#

The command line runner runs the test suite by running the provided command in subprocess.run.

Environment Variables:#

The command line runner starts by copying the current environment variables, then making the following changes:

  1. Add the temporary source folder to the beginning of “PYTHONPATH”

  2. “PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE”: “1” - This tells python to skip compiling source code in this run.

  3. “MUT_SOURCE_FILE”: The name of the file that was mutated in this trial.

  4. “MUT_LINENO”: The start line of the mutation change.

  5. “MUT_END_LINENO”: The last line of the mutation change.

  6. “MUT_COL_OFFSET”: The first column of the MUT_LINENO that is being mutated.

  7. “MUT_END_COL_OFFSET”: The first column of the MUT_END_LINENO after the mutation change.

  8. “MUT_TEXT”: The text that was used to replace the above range in the source file.

  9. Update environment variables with values from runner_opts.command_line_env (if any)


LINENO values start counting lines at 1.

COL_OFFSET values start counting columns at 0.

These values refer to the original source file, END values may not match mutated file.



Command to execute to test a trial.

Default: "pytest -x --assert=plain -o pythonpath="


Default includes options -x to stop execution at first failure, --assert=plain to skip extra processing when assertions fail, and -o pythonpath= so that pytest doesn’t alter the python path before running.

runner_opts = {
  "command_line":"pytest -x --assert=plain -o pythonpath= --sort-mode=fastest",
command_line = "pytest -x --assert=plain -o pythonpath= --sort-mode=fastest"
command_line = "pytest -x --assert=plain -o pythonpath= --sort-mode=fastest"


Use this to set additional environment variables in the subprocesses.

Default: {}

runner_opts = {